miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

How can i say in words  what i really feel... I can't say that i'm happy or sad. I miss my country and my family, but at the same time i dont want to leave. I'm gonna miss these people, not just the kids from the class, but also, my friends, my mates. The way of living in this amazing country, i'm never gonna find  anywere else in this world. But everything has an end, and this trip is just about to conclude.  And even though it's the end, in this experience i learned a lot, and i lived with diferent people and in an another atmosphere.  I think i will repeat this again one day. And I recomend this to everyone. 

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

During this week i will leave the city that I’m staying and travel around four different cities. Tomorrow I will start going to Finchawa, then to Nekemte, after Mek’ele, and to finish I’ll go to Jijiga.
Ver ethiopia en un mapa ampliado

My trip

First impression

When I woke up, I just had two hours left to finish my luggage and go to the airport. I was really upset, but luckily I arrived on time. The trip was okay, except, because of a baby that was crying during the entire trip. During the flight I was thinking of all the people I would meet, the new life I would live, and that I will learn a lot. But when I walked out from the airport my expectations weren't as I estimated I thought that I could face the situation of seeing people in poverty, but when I saw all the children unnourished I was overwhelmed when facing this scene. 
Something that also stuck me was, seeing people naked, but they told me that after a while I would get used to it, so I didn't pay much attention to that. 
I went to the place I would be staying; it wasn't like my house, it was extremely humble, different, but I licked it a lot. It was also very convenient because it was near from everything, from school, the orphanage, and the care home. I unpacked my luggage I prepared my things to start working. 
I began helping, teaching French in the school, and then I visited the orphanages from the surroundings. The children from school were really smart and willing to learn, and the kids from the orphanages were very thankful, and affectionate to everyone, not just the ones who worked there. I think that as they don’t have someone who loves them and care about them, they’re always trying to find a family.